Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dreams Do Come True?!

"We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up." - Phyllis Diller
I, like so many others, had always dreamed of one day becoming a wife and mother. There were goals and expectations that I was certain to accomplish when I fulfilled those roles. There is the dream of having this amazing home with clean floors, glass tables, and scented candles burning. To be this housewife, who wore a cute pink frilled apron, made homemade desserts for dinner, and baked bread every morning. That the home would be filled with loving and obedient children who listened to every command - this is the dream I had.

I never dreamed of endless piles of laundry, markers on the wall, toys everywhere, and snacks under my cushions. Adorable toddlers who would quickly learn the word NO and soon learn to strip down to bare tooshies. The swift stench of poop as its being painted onto the hardwood floors, dishes that overflowed in the kitchen, and dinner that would never be prepared on time. Quickly you go from this glamour princess to zookeeper. Your hair becomes all kinds of frizzy and is then twisted into some concoction on top of your head. Make-up is a word of the past. Sweats, tanks, and flip flops have overtaken your skirts and high heels wardrobe. This was NEVER part of “The Dream”.

There has never been a manual written that could have prepared me for the task of becoming a wife/mother. I had always been around children, so taking care of them came naturally. However, I always got to send them back home. My home is now filled with these new-found little people who are so amazing, and yet, so determined to make my hair turn grey.
Moments go by and I watch in awe as my little monsters amaze me with their determination, perseverance, and strength. That moment quickly passes as I realize they are moving furniture, painting with markers on the wall, and ripping through all the nicely folded laundry. Yet throughout every day and night I give thanks for these precious lives that have overtaken mine. I am so blessed God has allowed me to care for them and love them. Now if only He would give me an extra set of hands or more hours in the day to take care of them!