Monday, January 6, 2014

Is Less Really More?

*The following post has been copied and pasted from the blog "My Child, I love You." You can find the original post and the blog at the following websites.*

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why most families have 2 children.

This could end up being a controversial post, but not intended to be. The average American household size is 2.5 persons with the average household having .90 children. Wow! When I looked up this statistic tonight, I was shocked by the number. The number of children per household has drastically fallen since I last checked about 10 years ago.

Not until I had children did I ever understand why people only had two children. In my dreamy world, I grew up wanting hundreds of children. Truly. I dreamed of a home full of children and babies. I didn't understand the realities of motherhood at all. I didn't know what it felt like to have morning sickness. I didn't understand how pregnancy is hard for most people and very scary at times. I didn't know what it felt like to be up all night for several weeks at a time with a new baby only to be woken in the morning by a very rested 2 and 3-year old. I never thought about those things. I didn't know what the pain felt like to hover over a sick child worried to death. I didn't know what it felt like to continually ponder a child's future and formation. You see, I was confident and ignorant. Then, I had children.

I had my first child and fell desperately in love. Like most mothers with their first, I was meticulous about everything. I made sure I read to him 40 hours a day, taught him baby sign language, made all his baby food, took him outside everyday, and read every parenting book to make sure that I wasn't messing him up for life. Looking back though, I was very overwhelmed. You see, when a woman gets married and has children, the life you once knew has now completely changed. Your life is not your own anymore...forever. You are now responsible for entire human being. I remember thinking when he was sick for the first time, "If I don't take him to the doctor, nobody will." You have to make serious decisions about things like vaccinations, schooling options, medicated or unmedicated birth, allergies, parenting techniques (i.e. to spank or not to spank), sleeping troubles, temper tantrums, eating issues, etc., etc. There is no barometer in motherhood. You do not get a medal at the end of the day that says, "Well done, you handled that fit well" or "Well done, you chose wisely on the vaccination decision" or "Great diaper change!" So, for the first time in lives of most women you are faced with a scenario that makes most feel like they started preschool again only this time the textbooks are on the level of your post-doctorate.

It seems around the 2-year mark, most people venture out and have another child. BAM! ENTER... why most people never go beyond this point of having more than two children. Yes, I know, some say it is for other reasons i.e. financial, challenging pregnancies and even scary pregnancies. Although, when you get into deep conversation with a woman, you see the longing and the loneliness on her heart for more children. She may not even know it. For me, I had my first child whom I gave ALL MY ATTENTION. I then had another child WHOM I FELT AS THOUGH I HAD TO GIVE ALL MY ATTENTION. This truly was an impossible task. Who can do that? I remember when I would go anywhere I would make sure I had army of people to help. Truly. I admired mothers of large families and felt so inadequate next to them. I would be at the zoo with my two children and six of my sisters to hold each of their arms and legs and possibly breathe for them...if they needed that. Then, I would see mothers of ten children...GET THIS...BY THEMSELF AT THE ZOO...and actually smiling. When we lived in Oklahoma, I would pack enough toys for the eight hour drive so that they would have something new to look at every 2.3 minutes. It was ridiculous. At mass, we would bring a buffet so that not a moment would go by that HOUR that he wasn't eating or looking at something. I would NEVER drive anywhere more than an hour by myself because HE MIGHT CRY OR SOMETHING and that just isn't right.

It is the first time in motherhood you are experiencing a toddler and then also having a new baby. My mom always says that most babies become normal at their one year birthday. Meaning, I have seen it time and time again. You have this sweet, beautiful, innocent baby who does everything he is supposed to for his first year of life and then...something happens. They start developing opinions. How dare they start thinking for themselves? Suddenly, they throw fits in public, arch their back, lay on the floor, climb on everything, go fishing in the toilet, become a picky eater. They are a mess and you are mess. I remember one of my dear friends crying at her sons baby pictures because he had morphed into some sort of something his second year of life. Never before are you faced with constant decisions on how to handle the octopus that now lives in your home. On top of that, you have a new baby who decides that the middle of the night is his favorite hot spot. Side note, the toddler whom has been sleeping in the other room for 13 hours didn't get the memo and still wakes up for party time at 6:00 AM. How come he didn't know that you just fell asleep around 5:30 AM?

Really, who would do this again and again? You are so tired and overwhelmed that you know that God doesn't want someone to exist in such a way. You will say, "I'm not being a good mom to the two I have, why would I have more?" "I can't imagine feeling this way the rest of my life." "I can use my talents in much more productive ways besides having more children." "I was much more patient before I had children." "I am of no use to anyone in such a state." This little voice in your head is not from God. It is the devil trying to discourage you from THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK you will ever do.

You see, like every new job something begins to change after two children (some say three children, but most say two). You begin to settle into your new job. All your little fears and questions really aren't present anymore. You start seeing trends with your children and know that usually "this too shall pass." You begin to have a peaceful acceptance of your promotion and begin to look at it as such. How come I felt more overwhelmed with one than I do with six children? How come I wouldn't think much about driving 8 hours by myself with all of my children, but a few short years ago, I wouldn't have driven 30 minutes with one? How come I will drive to see my mom three hours away and each child will only bring one book to look at and be content the whole drive when in the past they had a toy for every 5 minutes and most trips were very hairy and stressful?

YOU BEGIN TO CHANGE. You begin to see each child very differently. You begin to look at your oldest as not being five-years-old, but as only having 13 years left at home and that takes on a whole new perspective. You start cherishing their baby hood and know that most things are phases. You start realizing how fast it really is going and you start to slow down. You know that they will eventually sleep and even if they don't, it suddenly and weirdly becomes "okay." Why does that happen? When I just had Dominic and was getting up with him in the middle of the night, I truly was the most tired person in America. Really. I would take two naps a day because I thought I was so tired. You adjust. I don't feel anymore tired now than I did with just one. You just keep going and God keeps you going. A very wise mother of nine told me, "The days are long and the years are short." I want to change it to "Some days are long, but to me the years are way too short." You begin to see things changing from one season to the next, and you start to change. You will say, "Just last summer, he loved to ride his bike outside, now he is more quiet and wants to stay inside while we go out."

You see, these are the lessons in the school of motherhood. With each new child, you are promoted. God chips away at us and refines us and makes us beautiful. Why are mothers of large families edifying? Why do we want to be near them? Do not misunderstand my words that mothers of two children have nothing to teach us. That is not what I am saying. What I am saying that with any job, usually the person whom has been there the longest and has the most experience is pretty wise.

There are those who want children and can't conceive. Are people not wise unless they have children and especially "lots" of them? No, not at all. Everybody has something to teach us. I am not here to pat myself on the back (I am still a work in much progress). I am here to encourage and simply say keep going. The world tells you to stop. My whole point is simply that if you are blessed with the gift of fertility, please let us see it as such. If for some reason, God decides not to give us anymore children, I pray that we use our lives to glorify Him in whatever avenue he chooses to take us down. I have many friends and family members whom have not been given children yet, but glorify God beautifully through their lives with their openness to adoption and other great works.

I write to encourage young and older mothers to keep going. One more life. One more soul. A whole new person. The possibilities in one person are breathtaking. I meet so many women who wished they would have had more children, but I've never met a woman who wished they didn't have so many. God gave women the gift of fertility really for a few short years in the perspective of a lifetime. I pray that I treasure this gift and use it wisely.

My brother Dominic was born seventh in our family. Little did my parents know that a few 18 years later, he would be caring for my father during his last days on this earth. The scenes I saw with Dominic and my dad still make me cry. To see a young, strapping 18-year-old lift his crippled father into his wheel chair all the while giving him such beautiful dignity. I would see Dominic turn and cry so often. It was so moving. What a gift and privilege Dominic had to take care of him. John's uncle Fran is the third youngest of twelve children. He is a physician and has spent many years doing mission work in Australia for the poorest of poor. He has repaired peoples lives with his gift of medicine. He has restored vision and hearing to hundreds. One life, his life, has changed many lives. I believe all work is important, but nothing is more important than bringing souls to this earth with the possibility of eternal existence with God forever.

I beg you to realize how privileged you are as a woman to even have children. Let us give God our whole beings without reserve and let Him write the story of our lives and the lives he chooses to bring. For some reason, God does not let us know the end of the story of our lives. So we must trust. As Mother Teresa said, "I want to be a pencil in his hand."


I was really blessed by this article! As a mother of five, I could relate to this post. Sometimes being a mother is by far the hardest job I have ever had, but I wouldn't trade it in for anything. There is a lot of stigmatism that comes with having a large family. Many people assume that you live on welfare or only have children for the tax deductions (yes there are some of those out there). I for one just believe that scripture is real and when it says children are a blessing from the Lord...I say bring on the favor!! Our children might not have the most expensive things, but they are learning that there is more to life than electronics and other material things. Not to assume all smaller families spoil their children, but they do generally have "more" available to them then larger families do. I loved this article and hope that it touched your heart as well.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Just A Little Bit of Paper Chaos.

Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.  ~Charles R. Swindoll, The Strong Family
Have you ever had those moments where your house is completely turned upside down and suddenly someone knocks on the door?! All of a sudden your heart starts racing and you start shushing the kids and quickly pick things up as you make a path to the front door..You are NOT alone.
We had already cleaned the entire living room first thing this morning and then I had this bright idea to let the children make collages. Out came the magazines, stickers, glue, scissors, and newspapers. Within minutes my entire living room floor was covered. It was a complete disaster. I sat back and watched as my five children were giggling and chatting and most importantly making memories!
I loved watching them interact with one another and finally I had my sweet moment of uninterrupted pinterest time and coffee! That moment was short lived. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. OH Lord please don't let it be any of my neighbors. My living room looked completely overtaken by little people.
I nervously answered the door and who do I find...our landlord! All I could think to myself was why didn't you come thirty minutes ago. I could literally feel my heartbeat pulsing and instantly started yelling at myself in my mind for allowing the kids to have paper shredded all over the living room which just so happens to be the first room you see when you open the door!
SO of course the children WANT him to see what they are up to. Per there constant pleading he finally peaks in and takes a look. My blood pressure went through the ceiling. Oii!!!
I kept repeatedly apologizing for the mess and he just laughed and told the kids they were doing a wonderful job. He had stopped in to see if Lover was available to come down and assist him with some work he was doing on one of the units. Once he left I breathed a sigh of relief! I was so worried he would stop back in once Lover got back from the store. So just as I was going to make the kids clean everything up it dawned on me: WHO CARES if the living room is a mess!!! The children were bonding and having a great time. They were making MEMORIES. WHY on earth would I want to stop them???!
I think a lot of times we as parents become so concerned about what others will think that we lose focus on the important things. I believe this mind-set is one reason why so many of us are afraid to let our kids just go a little crazy. God was showing me that sometimes it's okay to let kids be kids. Allow them that freedom to make a mess! They weren't hurting anyone and as long as they cleaned it up after they were done what difference did it make. Mommy even joined in.
We have to remind ourselves of what is most important. This is a new year and a new chance to make some positive changes in not just our lives, but that of our children. Let's look at our priorities and make sure that we include our children in them. If you are a parent, then God thought it fitting to entrust you with a precious gift, let us not take it for granted. Deliberately make time to get messy with your children. The house can always be cleaned later :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Love of a Lifetime!

“Accept the children the way we accept trees—with gratitude, because they are a blessing—but do not have expectations or desires. You don’t expect trees to change, you love them as they are.” -Isabel Allende

Being a mother of four children ages 2-4 is by far the hardest but most rewarding job I have ever had. There is something so absolutely life changing about becoming a parent. I don't just mean the obvious things, but more importantly the internal things. There is a love that you have never experienced before that surfaces the moment you lay eyes on your first born baby. A love that can move mountains and calm seas. You instantly become protective of this little life and begin pouring into his/her life this unconditional love and acceptance.

I was blessed when I got married to Lover to gain a beautiful stepdaughter. I always loved that quote about "how you weren't born below my heart, but in it!" My daughter,err stepdaughter as some would say has been an unbelievable blessing in my life. I know there are those moments in her upcoming preteen years where I have literally lost my mind but the fact remains that I love her to the moon and back again. This love came by choice! I am so grateful and honored that God entrusted her to me.

Not long after I got married, Lover and I found out we were going to be expecting our first! The joy that filled my heart was unspeakable. For two months I basked in the awesome-ness of finally becoming a mommy. A real mommy. Sadly we found out at our first ultrasound that I had a miscarriage, but my body hadn't realized it and was continuing on as though I was still pregnant. My world was shattered. I remember sitting in Dr. Hartman's office as he broke the news to me that I had already seen on the ultrasound. Hearing the words come from his mouth was like a knife to my heart. I remember that feeling of loss and hopelessness. I remember the look on Lover's face and how hard he tried to remain strong for me. I can recall the Dr's hands holding mine as though I may faint if I tried to stand up. I can still hear the words he spoke to me about how many women have miscarriages and don't even know it. That this was a good sign because it meant I was capable of being pregnant. He went on to share his own story of his wife's miscarriage and how they went on to have two beautiful children. I can still feel the tears that streamed down my face as we talked about the DNC I was going to have to do in order to remove the remaining tissues and pregnancy stuff that my body wouldn't let go of naturally.

It was by far the worst experience I have ever endured in my entire life. All the hopes and dreams and plans that I had for our first little one died that day in Dr. Hartman's office. Then on October 30, 2007 I no longer carried any part of our little one. During the following months we had my sister's baby shower for her first pregnancy and I had other people I knew that were also pregnant at the time. I remember the loving card my brother and his wife got me on Mothers day that following year and how my heart tore into pieces. Life was just unbearable at times. I cried myself to sleep every night for as long as I can remember. I remember going to the alter at church and just pouring my heart out to God. I can recall some of the remarks well intentioned people gave me as to WHY I lost our precious little one.

Then one morning at church a woman prayed for me and asked God to heal any hurts and of course my body. I remember falling down and just as soon as I did it was like God took me to a new place in my mind. He showed me this beautiful little girl with curly blonde hair in the most adorable white frilly dress. She was dancing in a meadow of flowers and had taken me by the hand and told me she wanted to take me some place very special. Within seconds we were in this great big place with millions of people. She was bowed down on her little knees praying! Right behind her was my grandmother and to the side of her was my cousin Jake (although I found it odd at the age differences among them). I remember thinking to myself how I wanted to name her Isabella which meant one devoted to God. I felt like this was God's way of giving me closure over such a traumatic time in my life. What an amazing thought to think my little girl had her very first heartbeat in Heaven. I realized in that moment that although life seemed hard to bear God was just taking me to a new level of understanding. That someday God was going to allow me to share my hurt and loss with others who would experience the same tragedy as I had.

Then on April 24, 2009 we welcomed our little Abigail into the world. I could totally talk for hours about that pregnancy and what happened the days following, but that will be for another day :) Six weeks after Abby was born we found out we were pregnant AGAIN. Not to far after that we found out it was twin girls! Our little Madalyn and Felicia joined our little family on February 24, 2010. Then we found out we were having another one and Michael was born on October 19, 2011. The love that has filled my life since the birth of my children can not compare to any other love I had ever experienced.

I know they can be a handful and it can be overwhelming at times, but they are the greatest accomplishment in my life. They are growing up to be little prayer warriors and they are totally loving Jesus and that is the best feeling in the world. I am so proud of who they are becoming to be all five of my kidlets.

There are times when I would get upset because I felt that they were being pushed aside by others. How I felt they were overlooked or somehow didn't stand up to others expectations. I use to be concerned with the time others wanted to spend with them. Then I realized something. My children lack for nothing. They have so many people in their lives who truly adore and love them. Who cares if it's blood related or not! I remember that saying how "blood is thicker than water". Hosh Posh! You know what I have come to realize over the last few years. The only thing that matters is that the people I have around my children love them. They don't NEED everyone that I believe should be there. They only need the ones who truly want to be a part of their life. Listen. I know there are others out there who struggle with this issue. Just rest assured that God loves them more than we ever could and that there are other people in this world who genuinely love your children. Focus on the positive this year and don't let minor issues impact how you live your life.

My children are amazing and the most loving little kidlets ever. They have need of nothing. Always remember to teach your children about the one who loves them above all things. Trust me. This is what really matters. That they grow up knowing about God and how much HE loves them and how HE has a plan and a purpose for each one of them. Don't  focus on the things your children do to make you go crazy, but see each different characteristic as something that GOD has placed in them for His greater purpose someday. Continue to allow others around you to pour their love on your children and allow your children to do the same. They might surprise you!

I am going to live this new year with a new focus and a new mind-set. I hope and pray that you can open your heart and let go of those past hurts and move forward in the direction God has been calling you too! I pray favor for you and your family this year.

God Bless!!

When God Created Mothers"

When the Good Lord was creating mothers, He was into His sixth day of "overtime" when the angel appeared and said. "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."

And God said, "Have you read the specs on this order?" She has to be completely washable, but not plastic. Have 180 moveable parts...all replaceable. Run on black coffee and leftovers. Have a lap that disappears when she stands up. A kiss that can cure anything from a broken leg to a disappointed love affair. And six pairs of hands."

The angel shook her head slowly and said. "Six pairs of hands.... no way."

It's not the hands that are causing me problems," God remarked, "it's the three pairs of eyes that mothers have to have."

That's on the standard model?" asked the angel. God nodded.

One pair that sees through closed doors when she asks, 'What are you kids doing in there?' when she already knows. Another here in the back of her head that sees what she shouldn't but what she has to know, and of course the ones here in front that can look at a child when he goofs up and say. 'I understand and I love you' without so much as uttering a word."

God," said the angel touching his sleeve gently, "Get some rest tomorrow...."

I can't," said God, "I'm so close to creating something so close to myself. Already I have one who heals herself when she is sick...can feed a family of six on one pound of hamburger...and can get a nine year old to stand under a shower."

The angel circled the model of a mother very slowly. "It's too soft," she sighed.

But tough!" said God excitedly. "You can imagine what this mother can do or endure."

Can it think?"

Not only can it think, but it can reason and compromise," said the Creator.

Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek.

There's a leak," she pronounced. "I told You that You were trying to put too much into this model."

It's not a leak," said the Lord, "It's a tear."

What's it for?"

It's for joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, loneliness, and pride."

You are a genius, " said the angel.

Somberly, God said, "I didn't put it there.”

-Erma Bombeck, When God Created Mothers


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Day, New Year, New Goals

“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” -Albert Einstein
 I absolutely love the New Year! Like most people, I believe that the New Year is a date that we all look forward to. It brings with it a chance for a fresh start and new goals and dreams of a better year. Funny really. When you actually think about it. Why is it we strive to reach that date in history? We become focused on "just making it to the end of the year". It's almost like New Years Day brings a day of forgiveness and a chance to begin anew. I mean honestly we could do that any day of the year, right?! Eh. but for the sake of getting off track let's just continue to focus on the New Year and what it brings.
I am so excited for 2014 and all the things that God has in store for me and my little family. This past year has definitely had it's ups and downs. As I began thinking about our family goals and resolutions I couldn't help but wonder....What am I really looking forward to? What do I want to accomplish? Personally? Family? Ministry? And I just kind of drew a complete blank. So I did what most people do I totally stalked my facebook friends and family. :) You wish you would have thought about it too right? Then it dawned on me. Why am I looking to "others" and what "they" desire?! I need to be FOCUSED.
So here I am on the first day of the New Year and I am completely oblivious as to what I really want to accomplish in 2014. I tried to write down some ideas and then it hit me. I NEED A PLAN! I am like a fish out of water and if I ever plan to accomplish something I better figure out what I really want.
So what do I want to see happen in 2014 you ask. Well I definitely want to spend more time in prayer and studying the Bible. I know that God has great things in store for my life, but I won't ever know what direction to take if I don't have the right map! Then I thought about Lover, my hardworking husband who treats me like a princess. It's my desire to be a better wife and to find ways to encourage him and the dreams that HE has. It's very easy for us to get off track and only think of ourselves in the New Year, but let us not forget those that God has entrusted to us. This leads me to my children. God has been so good to me and blessed me with the most amazing little kidlets ever. I want to work harder at helping them become the godly little children God has called them to be. Homeschooling with an agenda and not just random teaching, but an actual focused plan of action. I believe children today just need our time and so often we push them aside even if we don't intentionally mean to. I want my kids to know that Mommy will take the time out and stop what I am doing if they want my attention because I love them! Kids need to know we LOVE them. So after those goals I decided I needed to think about Ministry. I need to organize my office so that my Sunday mornings aren't so rushed. I need to spend more time with my worship team and getting us back on track. Then of course I have a few personal goals like reading books more often and trying to remove processed foods from our diet :) The list is endless really.
“Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerously close to wanting nothing.” - Sylvia Plath
I mean seriously. Think about it. What happens when you get a flat tire? (besides maybe calling road service or your buddy haha). Ultimately our end result is to get another tire to replace the one that has gone out right?. So what would happen if we got a flat and then went ahead and slashed all the other tires? We would be completely stranded and out of money! We wouldn't want to put ourselves backwards and go all crazy and ruin all our tires right? We would want to get the ONE tire fixed and STAT! This is how it is with goals in our lives. Yes we will have times when we stumble or fall, but don't just give up and slash all your goals. Go get that one single thing fixed and get back on the road. All I could think about when I hear "we got a flat" is my husband going all kinds of crazy ha-ha. God is still working on us and even Lover has his moments. I found this statement to be one of a kind and a good thought provoking one at that!
“If you're trying to be miserable, it's important you don't have any goals. No school goals, personal goals, family goals. Your only objective each day should be to inhale and exhale for sixteen hours before you go to bed again. Don't read anything informative, don't listen to anything useful, don't do anything productive. If you start achieving goals, you might start to feel a sense of excitement, then you might want to set another goal, and then your miserable mornings are through. To maintain your misery, the idea of crossing off your goals should never cross your mind.” - John Bytheway


Key thoughts: stay focused. don't give up just because you have a setback and most importantly as my mother always said, "if your going to dream, dream BIG"!!! Don't be afraid of what 2014 has in store for you, but go BOLDLY towards your future. See each new day as a challenge to get one step closer to the ultimate prize.

A Shout Out to Zevia!

For decades I have been an avid lover of all things SODA! I could seriously drink you under the table J I lived on it. I totally loved Mt. Dew, Pepsi, and Coke! They were my every day go to drinks.

Finally one day I realized I would never get healthy if I continued down this horrid cycle. I began drinking water by the gallons and occasionally allowed myself a glass of sierra mist or sprite. I deemed these drinks to be nothing more than carbonated water ha-ha. Yet I still longed to drink my bubbly soda and not just the clear kind! One day a facebook friend of mine told me about this healthy soda alternative. I thought it was to good to be true. I mean seriously?! Can soda actually be OK?! She said there was a drink out there called Zevia which used Stevia (yano the sugar stuff). I already used Truvia in my coffee so I thought surely I will like it.

So here I was on a mission to find this natural alternative. I found it alright in a whole foods store 30miles from home. I picked up a cola, grape, and ginger root beer (this one is my favorite so far)! I immediately fell in love with Zevia’s products. My husband however does not share in my love. I think partly because he hadn’t given up the other sodas like I had. Plus I was already use to the taste of Stevia/Truvia.

Zevia was a little on the expensive side at the whole foods store; so I went searching for the companies website to see if they offered any coupons! Not only did I find $1.00 off coupons (that they WILL mail to you if you don’t have a printer), but Zevia found out that I uber loved their products and they sent me a coupon for a FREE six-pack. All I did was tell them how much I loved their products and just a bunch of other questions like do they come in larger quantities and what other flavors did they offer.

I know a lot of people say they resolve to live a healthier lifestyle in the New Year. I just wanted to let you know that there is a healthy option out there for those who eagerly desire to give up soda, but need a little booster along the way. I don’t drink it in excessive amounts, but I do allow myself a treat every now and then.

Here is a little bit of information that I found on the Zevia facebook page.

Zevia was founded in April 23, 2007!  Zevia also believes in smarter soda choices, because it’s time to feel good about what you drink. Always zero calories, no artificial flavors and delicious.

They offer the following 15 flavors!

Ginger Root Beer
Lemon Lime Twist
Black Cherry
Ginger Ale
Grapefruit Citrus
Caffeine Free Cola
Cream Soda
Cherry Cola
Lime Cola
If you would like to try Zevia you can go to the link below. Once you “like” their page on facebook, you will find a spot to print off a coupon!

Please let me know your thoughts once you have experienced your first Zevia!!